September 1, 2008:

Hi everyone, I am sure that if anyone has been a returning reader of this site, and who I would like to thank for doing so, he or she would notice the comic has been ongoing with around two weeks between updates. Now I am not a bit proud of that fact, alongside the meandering story mired in a sluggish pace and ungainly dialogs, but the general story, still in my head surprisingly intact, is still waiting to be put or drawn onto some medium in one way or another. I hope it all makes some sense in the end, but it pains me that I could not express it as elegantly as I'd hoped, be it through pictures or words. I feel like I am trapped inside my own musings and disconnected from reality that discloses my story as nothing more than mundane and uninteresting tale, and to splay it out would only be a waste of time. However I would like to see it sort of reach a closure, to bring it to a finale, in order to exorcise my personal demons and overcome further isolating myself.

To resolve these frustrations, and start to appreciate and enjoy the art, I have applied to attend an art school as a way to improve my drawing skills and learn about narrative structure applicable to a similar medium of visual arts. On the other hand, I feel I am embarking on a foolhardy venture, but as I kept coming back to creating comics through spells of hiatus and disinterest at times, I felt this could be something I truly aspire to. I am not sure how this supposedly full-time endeavour would affect the status of the comic, but I will make every attempt not to abandon it. I am hopeful what awaits would further enable me to enjoy this activity, and empower me to give more respect to the comic truly deserving of a reader. Please wish me luck.
Once again, thank you for your support and readership.


May 28, 2008:

Hi, another comic is hopefully on track to be posted on today afternoon, pacific time. I was able to finish the rough outline of the page but it is just taking more effort than expected to take care of the rough edges. Thanks for reading, as always.
UPDATE: A bit frustrated how it turned out in the end, but I decided to post it; English is my second language, but that does not prevent me from recognizing how stilted the written portions are. I hope my writing does not seriously detract from the overall presentation.


March 24, 2008:

I am so sorry for the delay in the updates. I have been particularly lazy and presumably entered into that 'writers block', that is assuming I can write anything coherent in the first place, in addition to just being depressed. And I confess playing too much 'Sins of a Solar Empire' and 'Team Fortress 2' that I have not had any work done yet. I hope I can upload something by the middle of this week, but I dunno.


February 24, 2008:

Hello folks, I did not make an weekly update for this week. I am sorry for this delay, and I hope to get back to weekly updates as best as I can. Thanks for reading Garasade.


January 23, 2008:

Has it been already three years and ten months since I started this comic? Better not to dwell too much on that lest I feel depressed. I hope I could get started updating it more regularly. If you have been following the comic for a while drop me a line on how you feel about it, or I could make that easier by reinstating some comment line of some type as part of some overall site update. And as always, thank you for your readership.
